Medical Colleges in Europe – Belgium

19-03-23 admin 0 comment

Belgium Medical Colleges: Courses in English

There is big demand for MBBS in Europe or medical colleges in europe. Therefore here we have chosen here some of the medical colleges in Belgium that offer undergraduate medical courses in English:

KU Leuven – Faculty of Medicine: KU Leuven is a prestigious research university located in Leuven, Belgium. The Faculty of Medicine at KU Leuven offers a six-year program in medicine that is taught in English. The course includes a broad range of topics such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and clinical medicine.

Ghent University – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences: Ghent University is a public research university located in Ghent, Belgium. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences offers a six-year program in medicine that is taught in English. The course covers basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, and patient-centered care.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy: Vrije Universiteit Brussel is a Dutch-speaking university located in Brussels, Belgium. The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy offers a six-year program in medicine that is taught in English. The course covers a range of topics including anatomy, physiology, pathology, and clinical medicine.

Université catholique de Louvain – Faculty of Medicine: Université catholique de Louvain is a French-speaking university located in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The Faculty of Medicine offers a six-year program in medicine that is taught in English. The course covers a wide range of topics such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, and clinical medicine.

Université libre de Bruxelles – Faculty of Medicine: Université libre de Bruxelles is a French-speaking university located in Brussels, Belgium. The Faculty of Medicine offers a six-year program in medicine that is taught in English. The course covers basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, and patient-centered care.

It is important to note that admission requirements, tuition fees, and application procedures may vary for each of these medical colleges. Therefore, it is recommended that you visit their respective websites or contact their admissions offices for further information.

The admission procedure for foreigners to study undergraduate medicine at the medical colleges mentioned above generally includes the following steps:

Check eligibility requirements: Before applying, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria, which may vary depending on the university. In general, you will need a high school diploma or equivalent qualification, and proficiency in English.

Apply online: Most universities have an online application system for international students. You will need to provide your personal details, educational qualifications, and any relevant documents such as transcripts and English language test results.

Submit supporting documents: In addition to the online application, you will need to submit supporting documents such as academic transcripts, English language proficiency test scores, and a copy of your passport.

Pay application fee: Most universities require a non-refundable application fee, which can vary depending on the university.

Wait for admission decision: After submitting your application and supporting documents, you will have to wait for the admission decision. This may take several weeks or months, depending on the university and the volume of applications.

Accept offer and pay tuition fees: If you receive an offer of admission, you will need to accept it and pay the tuition fees to secure your place.

It is important to note that admission procedures and requirements may vary between universities. Therefore, it is recommended that you visit the websites of the medical colleges or contact their admissions offices for specific details on the admission process for international students.


There are few education consultants and agencies in India that can assist students in applying to medical colleges in Belgium. These agencies can provide guidance and support throughout the admission process, including advice on eligibility requirements, application procedures, documentation requirements, and visa applications.

It is important to note that while education consultants can be helpful, it is important to choose a reputable and trustworthy agency. You should conduct research on the agency, read reviews and testimonials from other students, and ensure that they have experience and expertise in assisting students with medical college admissions in Belgium. It is also recommended to check the credentials of the agency and their affiliations with relevant regulatory bodies.

Overall, while education consultants can be helpful, it is important to ensure that you make an informed decision and take responsibility for your own application process.

How to search,research and select the best medical educan consultants :

Research online: You can search online for education consultants or agencies that specialize in assisting students with medical college admissions in Belgium. Make sure to read reviews and testimonials from other students to get an idea of their experience.

Ask for recommendations: Ask friends, family, or colleagues who have previously used education consultants for their recommendations. You can also reach out to alumni associations of the medical colleges in Belgium to see if they have any recommendations.

Check for affiliations: Look for education consultants that are affiliated with recognized associations or organizations in the education industry, such as the Association of International Education Counselors (AIEC) or the International Association of College Admission Counseling (IACAC).

Verify credentials: Make sure to verify the credentials and experience of the education consultants or agencies you are considering. Check if they are registered or licensed with relevant regulatory bodies in India or abroad.

Ask questions: Once you have shortlisted a few education consultants, ask them questions regarding their experience, success rates, services offered, and fees. This will help you make an informed decision.

Remember to exercise caution and carefully research any education consultant or agency before engaging their services.

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